How do I transfer a domain? Print

  • Domain Transfer
  • 1

Domain transfer is the process of moving your domain management from one registrar to another. You may have decided to move your domain to a different registrar due to a variety of reasons including search for better service, attractive prices or extra addons.

To initiate the domain transfer process:

  1. Make sure that you can access domain administrator email. A confirmation email will be send to this email address, without which the domain transfer will not proceed.
  2. Back up your website and emails. If you have been using Outlook or Google Apps then your email address are safe.
  3. Get the domain authorization code from the current registrar. You can get this from the authorization code from the clientarea control panel.

Once you have gone through the three steps above, you can then give the transfer authorization code to your new registrar so that he/she can start the process.

Most registrars require that you pay for one year domain registration.

The domain transfer process takes about 7 days after you have responded to the authorization email.

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